Office Staff
Hazel Park Preparatory Academy
1140 White Bear Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55106
Phone: (651) 293-8970 Fax: (651) 293-8976
Office Hours: 7:00AM - 3:30PM
It is critical that each student attend school every day, be on time, with school materials in hand, signed Planners and turn in high quality Homework.
Every minute you're not in school, means that you've lost out on that amount of education.
It takes a community to educate a child. Parents/Guardians play a critical part of their child's education. Things that you can do right now that will help prevent problems later are:
1. Assist your children in coming to school everyday and on time.
2. Insist that your child has 8 - 10 hours of sleep everyday, please.
3. Assist your child with homework.
4. Read and sign the planner (and 'FRED' slip if your child/ren are in grades 1-3), everyday.
5. Make sure your child/ren are ready with the right attitude for learning. Supply your children with the needed school materials, expecially pencils!!
“Behind every successful child is an involved parent”. We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer in their child's classroom. Ask your child's teacher how you can be helpful to the learning process in the classroom.
It is important for students to arrive on time and remain in school all day. Please call me, Robin, if your child will be late or absent. Robin, will make daily telephone calls, or home visits, when students are absent more than two days without reporting to school personnel.
We must follow District guideline for students out of compliance with attendance procedures. Special Education Lead Person will work closely with Home School Liaison, Nurse and Social Worker on student attendance.
All students that enroll in school are required to attend school. It is the duty of the parent or guardian to monitor and require the student to attend school. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide prior notification of absences, provide documentation of medical visits when requested and to attend a conference with the school officials to discuss the absences.
Parents must notify the school at least one week in advance in writing of any long trips that will require the student to be absent from school. Students must make prior arrangements (at least one week) with teachers for make-up work. Make-up work must be returned to the teacher when the child returns to school or as teacher requests.
Students must not be absent during the MCA testing times unless for emergency or illness.
Students may be excused for religious holidays. It is recommended that the parent or guardian submit a letter of request prior to the anticipated absence.
For safety reasons, students will not be released from school unless a parent or guardian comes personally to the office to sign them out. Using this procedure, we can avoid both unnecessary class interruptions and parents having to wait for students. A note should be sent to the classroom teacher the morning a student is going to leave early or if other routine changes are being requested. Identification will be required to sign a student out of school. Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed by the parent on the enrollment/emergency forms.
Signing out students early causes:
1. Loss of critical instructional time
2. Disruption of the teaching and learning process
3. Interruption of educational activities
NO EXCEPTION: You must also come to the office when requesting your child to be released early from School.
In This Section
Elementary/Middle School Clerk-Amanda Milks
Parent Liaison/English EA- Robin Landowski
Head Engineer- Brian Thompson
Nurse- Mary-Beth Tatarka
Health Assistant- Tonetta Wathum-Ocama