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Procedures and Routines

HPPA Protocol for Procedures and Routines

Important!! All families fill out a new lunch application before the beginning of school. Printable or online registration is available. Click on 'Student Wellness' to go to forms.


Please send you child/ren to school on time, 8:15 am. If your child is absent, or is going to be absent, or is tardy, please call the office immediately @ 651-293-8970 and ask for Nancy Spack, our Attendance and Community Liaison. ALL students are expected to be in proper uniform, with the necessary school materials (pencils, books, homework, etc.), and ready to learn from 8:30 am - 3 pm. 

A cumulative record is maintained for each student from the time the student enters the District until the time the student withdraws or graduates.  This record moves with the student from school to school.  All student records are confidential.

WCCO radio, Channels 4, 5, 9 and 11 will announce any school closings or delays.

IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EVERY FAMILY FILL OUT A NEW LUNCH APPLICATION FOR THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR.(Look towards the left on your computer screen. On the left hand-side, called the sidebar, click on the photo 'Student Wellness' to go to the application site.)

Breakfast is “To Go.”or' B2G'  This means that each student will pick up their breakfast from the breakfast line and proceed to the classroom to join their classmates for a quiet breakfast. Eating a good breakfast is an important beginning to the school day.  Breakfast is FREE for all students.

A nutritional lunch is served daily in the cafeteria. Menus will be/are posted in the cafeteria and sent home each month. Parents have a send a bag lunch with their child, if he/she has that preference. No pop or snacks are allowed. In addition to breakfast and lunch, all children will receive a fruit or vegetable snack each day.

All HPPA students will carry and use a HPPA School Planner tthat needs to be returned with a signature (or Initials), with completed homework. By signing this Planner, the teacher knows that the parent checked to see the homework's finished neatly, accurately and with the high expectations we hold for all students at this Academy.

LIBRARY/Media Center
The following basic rules apply to all students using the library:
1. After a student checks out a book, it becomes their responsibility to return it. If the book is lost or damaged, the student/parent       must pay for a replacement, charged at the current cost of original price.
2.  Books are checked out on a rotating basis. 
3. If a student has an overdue book, he/she will not be allowed to check out another one until the fine is paid or the book is        returned.   

Do not bring them to school! These items plus any other objects that disrupts instruction/learning will be taken and kept in the office until a parent/guardian can come to school to pick them up.

Personal messages/phone calls are disturbing to the classroom and learning process.  Arrangements for routine matters, such at rides to and from school, house key delivery, meeting places, etc. must be made before students arrive at school.  Students will not be allowed to make phone calls home unless it is an emergency. 
Also, personal business such as party invites should NOT be conducted at school.  This causes a disruption among students for those who are not involved.

Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit/volunteer in your child's classroom.  Parents and other visitors must register in the office before going to any other part of the building. When visiting your child's room, please remember you are an observer unless the teacher has asked you to volunteer.