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Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club 6th-8th Grade


The Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is an extracurricular club for students to build support systems, socialize with other youth and organize educational programs to raise awareness and promote inclusive school environments. Students meet during lunch as well as after school to do community service projects, host guest speakers and plan school wide events, have discussions within the club that may be hard to have elsewhere, and participate in state and local events that encourage inclusion.

Look at us!! "I am SPPS" website!



“When I grew up, I did not have a GSA (Gender, Sexuality, and Alliance) group, I did not have the support of school staff. It was really difficult for me as a young person to come out. If I would’ve had a group like GSA, it would’ve been very helpful and I probably wouldn’t have suffered a lot of the trauma that I did as a young person because of not having that support. This group is important because it gives the students a safe space where they can connect with other students that are a part of the LGBT community and allies. They have the opportunity to discuss issues, and know that mostly importantly they have adults in the building that are there for them.” -- Misti Germundson, adaptive physical education teacher and GSA advisor at Hazel Park Preparatory Academy.

"It’s important to have a GSA (Gender, Sexuality, and Alliance) so that bisexuals and homosexuals don’t get bullied by other people. It helps prevent bullies from bullying people because it’s not nice to do that." -- Jonathan, a seventh-grader at Hazel Park Preparatory Academy.
