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Inclusion Policy for Special Educational Needs

Hazel Park Preparatory Academy Special Educational Needs Policy

We at Hazel Park Preparatory Academy will provide equal access to the curriculum and academic rigor for all students regardless of individual abilities and needs.  Students are provided a quality education in the least restrictive environment.


We believe all students can learn and have a right to an inclusive education.

We place great emphasis on the responsibilities of all teachers to be aware of and provide for students with special educational needs.

We view a student’s education as a partnership between the student, the parents/guardians, and the school.

We believe all students should be responsible for their learning by taking an active role in identifying, monitoring, and meeting their own learning needs and abilities.


Gifted and Talented Services

When a student is identified as being gifted and talented, teachers are to differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of the student.  At Hazel Park, gifted and talented students are mainstreamed in the general education classroom using differentiation for deeper rigor and challenge.  We also provide accelerated classes in math, science, and individuals and societies.  Data points help determine student placement in the accelerated courses.  In addition, students take part in activities such as the National Junior Honor Society, Science Fair, and History Day, which encourage advanced learning and challenging activities.

English Language Learners Services (ELL)

English Language Learners (ELL) are identified at the district level as those students who have a Home Language other than English and are at some stage, from beginning to advanced, of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English at a level comparable to their native English speaking peers.  At the MYP level, teaching language through content facilitates English Language learning.  This is accomplished through close collaboration between ELL teachers and subject area teachers.  The ELL teacher works together with the content teacher to plan and differentiate content instruction so that grade-level curriculum is made accessible to the English language learner.  Collaborative instruction is based on research that shows that school-aged children acquire language more effectively through participation in meaningful, language-rich activities along with their native speaking peers, rather than solely through isolated and targeted English instruction as a separate subject.  ELL teachers are perceptive to the educational needs of their students. Where appropriate, they may coordinate planning with collaborating teachers to strategically work with small groups of ELLs in limited, targeted instruction.  The goal is to maximize the students’ success in accessing content through language in the classroom.

Special Education

Categories of Special Education Disabilities

The following disabilities are recognized and defined by the State of Minnesota and serviced by Hazel Park Preparatory Academy.

  • DD – Developmentally Delayed
  • ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • DB - Deaf/Blind
  • EBD - Emotional / Behavioral Disorders
  • DHH – Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • DCD - Developmental Cognitive Disability
  • OHD – Other Health Disabilities
  • PI – Physically Impaired
  • TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
  • SLD – Specific Learning Disability
  • SL – Speech / Language Impairment
  • VI – Visually Impaired
  • SMI – Severely Multiple Impaired 

Special Education Referral Process

Students at Hazel Park Preparatory Academy are referred for a special education evaluation by their parent or by staff working with the student.  Parent and staff can initiate an evaluation for special education services by contacting the Student Success Team (SST).  The referring teacher will complete a referral form and turn it to the SST.  The referral form includes: problem identification, accommodations/student support, intervention planning, and monitoring and evaluation.  A meeting will be scheduled for the teacher to meet with SST to discuss her/his concerns and interventions attempted.

If the team determines that more information is needed or if interventions have not yet been attempted in the area(s) of concern, the team may choose to delay the start of an evaluation.  If the team determines that there is sufficient data to support moving forward with an evaluation, then a referral is made to the Child Study Team. The Child Study Team reviews the interventions and progress of the student.  If the interventions put in place were not effective and no progress was made, a special education referral will be completed by the teacher and reviewed and signed by the principal. Then the evaluation team will develop an evaluation plan.  Once the evaluation team receives the required signature from the parents, the evaluation process begins and is completed within 30 school days.  If the student meets the Minnesota State Eligibility requirement, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed by the IEP Team (including the parents/and or guardians) to address the special education services needed by the student.

The special education evaluation team may waive interventions when it is determined the student’s need for the evaluation is urgent.  If a parent requests that interventions be waived, then the teacher refers the parent to the principal.  The principal should speak with the parent to understand the concerns and discuss the possibility of implementing general education interventions prior to determining the need for a special education evaluation.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) Team

A continuum of special education services is available for students who have a disability as defined by criteria established by the Minnesota Department of Education and who demonstrate the need for special education and related services.  A team, including the student, the parents, classroom teachers, school administrator, and special education staff develop, review, and revise the IEP.

Service Models

Students with disabilities are serviced in the least restrictive environment.  We use the following:

Students with disabilities participating in the general education classroom may receive assistance from the classroom teacher or teaching assistant.

Students with disabilities who participate in the general education classroom may need direct small group instruction services outside of the classroom.

Students who are eligible for a higher level of support may be placed in specialized programs within the middle school.


Accommodations, based on the student’s IEP, will be provided so that students can demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of the skills being taught.  Accommodation on district and state tests will be provided based on guidelines set forth by the Minnesota Department of Education.


General education teachers and special education staff work together to identify, support, and adapt the curriculum and assessment to meet the student’s needs. The teachers and staff seek to include parents’ views and input as we collaborate to meet the needs of the students receiving special services.


At Hazel Park there are a variety of supports available to all students who are not making adequate progress.  These include but are not limited to small group instruction, extra support in the general education classroom, social work and/or counseling support.


Teachers are committed to identifying the most effective strategies for each learner.  Teachers will scaffold curriculum and learning experiences to ensure that all students understand the concepts.  When needed, teachers will modify and accommodate the curriculum.