Online Enrichment
Click the picture to go to Tumblebooks
Alphabet Games - various alphabet games
CBeebies Stories - choose a theme and click on a book to listen
Children's Storybooks Online - free online stories for kids
Crickweb - interactive literacy
Fly By - create contractions
Giggle Poetry - poetry site for kids (iPad)
MAP Reading - various reading/language activities (some iPad)
Plural Girls - choose correct plural form (iPad)
RIF Reading Planet - click on a story to listen
Scholastic: Leo loves to spell - mach letters to words and pictures
Scholastic: Nina loves to name things - learn to sort
Scholastic: Reggie loves to rhyme - match rhyming words
Speakaboos - click on a story to listen (iPad)
Spelling City - study and learn word lists using vocabulary and spelling (iPad)
Starfall - interactive books and phonics games (download free, not complete app)
Storynory - kids audio stories (iPad)
StoryPlace - listen to stories read out loud
What's In The Bag - guess what's in the bag
Woodlands Literacy Zone - interactive English games
Rhyming Words - K-3
SuperWhy Rhyming - K-1
Addition Facts - Get 20 correct in 60 seconds or less
Addition 3-Digit Numbers - using base ten blocks
BiteSize Maths - mean, mode, median and range
Engineering Interact - STEM learning
Function Math Machine - input_output formulas
Gamequarium - various math games
Geometry Solids - Count faces and sides of 3D shapes (iPad)
Geometry shapes - Combine shapes to make new shapes (iPad)
Hooda Math - problem solving (iPad)
NCTM math games - PK-5 (some iPad)
IXL Math - math practice for pre-K to 8 (Need teacher account and student login)
Khan Academy - video learning (iPad)
MAP Math - various math games (some iPad)
Math Mystery - the case of virtual pet 2000
Math Playground - various math games
MazeWorks - puzzles
Moby Math - math activities (iPad)
Multiplication - fact practice (mobile Games for iPad)
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - math activities for pre-k through 12
Order of Operations Connect Four (iPad)
Play Kids Games: Math - various math games
Sheppard Software - online math games
SpaceyMath - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division games
Subtraction 3-Digit Numbers - using base ten blocks
Ten Frame - K-2 Ten Frame (iPad)
That Quiz - online assessment tool (iPad)
Woodlands Maths Zone - various math games
XtraMath - master basic math facts (iPad)
How Many Bubble? - K-1 add and subtract
Counting in order - Balloons 0-20 popped in order
Cows Create your own Game - Grouping - regrouping and counting, addition, subtraction by ones, fives, tens (iPad)
Sum Dog
Number Patterns - Jump the right number pattern to make it across the bridge
Flower Pattern - three level K-3 (iPad)
Mixed Patterns - grade 3-5 (iPad)
Smiley face patterns - grade K-5 (iPad)
Superhero Race - Solve a color pattern, numbers, colors, shapes (iPad)
Bar Grapher - Enter your data
Build Fractions
Keyboard Climber -typing game
Super Hyper Spider Typer - type in the letters/words you see on the lizards' backs
Typing Games 01 - keyman and bubbles typing games
Typing Games 02 - variety of online typing games
Typing Games 03 - typing games from learning games for kids
Elearning Typing - All levels, teaches homerow first
50States - learn about the 50 states (iPad)
Ben's Guide to US Government for Kids - learn how government works (iPad)
Continent Names - Drag the continent name to the correct place
QuizWhizatNational Geographic For Kids - learn the continents while playing simon says (iPad)
Map Games - learn fun facts through various geography map games
National Geographic for Kids (iPad)
Presidents of the United States. - biographies of all presidents of the U. S. (iPad)
This Day in History (iPad)
Time for Kids - news magazine geared toward students in grades K-6 (iPad)
TweenTribune - news for kids and news by kids (iPad)
World Continents
ABCya - various educational games for grades K-5
Education Place - various academic subjects
Foss Web - activities related to science subjects
Internet 4 Classrooms - skill builders for language, math, science and social studies for grades K-8
Jigsaw Puzzles - jigsaw puzzles (iPad)
Learning Games for Kids - various academic subjects
Learning Planet - various games (fun and educational)
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood - various games (fun and educational)
Play Kids Games - various academic games
PBS Kids Lab Games
Sesame Street - educational games (iPad)
Simon Says - follow the pattern of lights and sounds for as long as you can
Showbie Classroom - Classroom folders with assignments
San Diego Zoo (iPad)
Poetry Idea Machine - Create Haiku, Cinquian, Limericks, and Free Verse
Turtlediary - All subjects K-3
Eeko House - Earth Day activity
Listen to poetry - poets read their poetry for children(iPad)
The Crossword Solver
Community Helper Stories (iPad)
Mission in Space
Timeline Maker
Family Vacation Reading Maps - National Geographic Everything you wanted to know about Bugs-Pest Help