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Why Volunteer?

Volunteering in your child’s school benefits everyone – students, teachers, the school and you! Students are more successful when their parents/guardians are involved with their lives both at school and at home.Teachers benefit by your volunteer efforts by having more quality time to teach your children. Hazel Park Preparatory Academy benefits by having your input, skills, talents and time shared with us. The number of volunteer hours and degree offamily involvement could help our school receive more grants and funding that benefit your students and the teachers. And, finally, you benefit by feeling more involved with your child and their school.

Family Involvement

Family involvement is a key component to the vision and mission of Hazel Park Preparatory Academy .We want and need your involvement to make this a more successful environment for your student. Hazel Park Preparatory Academy's  PTO and administration actively work on facilitating family involvement.Either the PTO chair or any administrator can help find ways for you to be involved or point you in the right direction to become involved.By filling out the volunteer interest and availability sheet, they are able to match your specific interests and talents with the appropriate volunteer opportunity. The administrators can be reached at (651) 293-8970.

Hazel Park Preparatory Academy Family Involvement Goals

The family involvement goal for Hazel Park Preparatory Academy is that every family volunteers for at least oneopportunity throughout the school year (approximately 2-5 hours).

Hazel Park Preparatory Academy's other main goals would be: 

  • To increase the involvement of families of color;
  • To increase the direct involvement with students as student support volunteers during the school day; 
  • To increase the number of library support volunteers.

Volunteering Guidelines

You will find that Hazel Park Preparatory Academy's teachers, staff and students are extremely grateful for your gift of time and effort when you volunteer.To make your volunteer opportunity a success there are some guidelines in place.The general guidelines are dependability and confidentiality.It is also required that everyone who will be working directly with students go through a criminal background check. 

Volunteering can fit your schedule

Hazel Park Preparatory Academy has volunteer opportunities to meet almost anytimeline or schedule… we want you involved whenever it works for you.There are opportunities perfect for mornings, during the day, or in the evenings.There are opportunities that require short or long term commitment –lasting for 1-2 hours or the entire school year and anywhere in between.We have opportunities here at the school orthings that can be done at home.

Whenever, whatever, however you can volunteer, we will find an opportunity for you! 

Robin Landowski, our family liason and volunteer coordinator can be reached at (651) 744-2781 or at robin.landowski@spps.org. Please reach out to her if you're interested in volunteering.